Addiction Aftercare Programs in Baltimore
Aftercare programs are designed to support individuals in their recovery from addiction after completing a primary treatment program. These programs may include individual and group therapy, 12-step support groups, family therapy, and other services. Here are some statistics and facts about addiction aftercare programs in Baltimore and Maryland:
1. A study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that individuals who participated in aftercare programs were more likely to have a successful recovery than those who did not participate in aftercare.
2. In 2015, the BHA reported that almost 30% of people in Maryland who were discharged from addiction treatment programs participated in some form of aftercare program.
3. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Maryland is one of the top ten states for opioid-related overdose deaths. In 2017, there were 1,985 opioid-related deaths in the state, and Baltimore City accounted for 761 of those deaths.
4. The Maryland Addiction Consultation Service (MACS) provides training and technical assistance to addiction treatment providers in the state, including resources for implementing aftercare programs.
5. The Maryland BHA offers a statewide peer support program for individuals in recovery from addiction, which includes aftercare support services.
6. The Baltimore City Health Department offers an Aftercare Recovery Group for individuals who have completed an addiction treatment program. The group meets weekly and focuses on relapse prevention and ongoing support.
7. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), aftercare programs can help individuals develop coping skills, build social support, and find strategies to avoid relapse.
8. In 2017, the Baltimore City Behavioral Health System conducted a needs assessment that found that access to aftercare services for individuals with co-occurring disorders, such as addiction and mental illness, was limited.
9. The Maryland Addiction and Recovery Center (MARC) provides a range of aftercare services, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication management, and family therapy.
10. The BHA has established a Statewide Recovery Support Services Advisory Council to develop recommendations for improving access to aftercare and other recovery support services.
Overall, the statistics and facts about addiction aftercare programs in Baltimore and Maryland highlight the need for continued support for individuals in recovery from addiction. These programs can play a crucial role in helping individuals maintain their sobriety and prevent relapse. However, there is still a need to increase access to aftercare services and address the challenges faced by individuals with co-occurring disorders in the state.